Preferences Options
Lynx DSA User's Manual - 9240227J
The Colors tab contains options for changing various colors.
Data Color
sets the color of graphical
data points.
Comparison Color
sets the color of
the DLFC acquisition.
Model Color
sets the color of the
continuum model in the spectral plot.
t sets the color of a “Singlet”
ROI type.
t sets the color of a
“Multiplet” ROI type.
ROI Type 3
sets the color of a type 3
ROI Type 4
sets the color of a type 4
Figure 46: Colors Preferences Settings
Tooltip font color
sets the color of the tooltip text.
Cursor Color
sets the color of the plot cursor.
Focus Color s
ets the color for the plot cursor when the expand box obtains focus.
Background Color
sets the background color of the graph.
Gridline Color
sets the color of the gridlines.