Acquisition Options
Lynx DSA User's Manual - 9240227J
Coincidence qualifies the processing and recording of incoming events. When
enabled, a qualifying gate signal must arrive at the COINC/ANTI connector within a
time window. The window is selectable through the Gate Delay, Input Gate Delay,
and Input Pulse Width parameters. The Coincidence tab settings are described below.
Figure 48: Coincidence Acquisition Settings
Gate Mode
Specifies the coincidence gate mode of operation. Selections are
Combined Adv Coincidence
, and
Combined Adv Anti-Coincidence
Coincidence logic is disabled. Storage is not affected by external gating signals.
Events are stored in the acquiring group when storage occurs within the gating
window. The gating window begins at the rising edge of the slow discriminator
signal and ends at the rising edge of the store pulse. An external gate pulse must
appear within the gating window. Timing of the external pulse is controlled by
user-supplied logic.
The storage of a qualified event can be further delayed by the setting of Gate
Delay parameter when the value is greater than the filter shaping.