A Brief Overview of the Lynx User Interface
Lynx DSA User's Manual - 9240227J
Figure 4: Acquisition Panel
The option to expand the plot to show a split-screen display, with the whole
spectrum in the lower half of the display and the expanded portion in the
upper half.
The Data View displays in graphical format the MCA’s spectral data, Digital
Oscilloscope data, and SCA/AUX Counter’s Time Series data.
If the device is not connected, you'll not see the remote client.
If you lose connection to the device, the spectrum will refresh if there is an
acquisition in progress. Clicking on any button will display an error message.
This section of the Lynx User’s Manual dealing with the web client application has
been over-simplified. Detailed explanations of the Lynx Web Client application can
be found in the
Lynx Web Client User's Manual.pdf
located in the Documentation
folder of the supplied CD.
Accessing the Lynx System
An overview of common tasks and events is offered here, with references to other
sections within this document or outside this documentation where appropriate.
A simplified menu and sub-menu item reference is provided to guide you along.
More detailed discussions on accessing and using the browser-based interface can be
found in
Web-Based Operation
starting on page 71.
To begin, access the Lynx, and maximize your Internet browser window.