3000 System Operator’s Manual
9140240E — May 1995
Chapter 1
System Description
CELL-DYN Reagents
Diluent (L/N 99231-01)
CELL-DYN Diluent is formulated to:
Dilute the RBCs, PLTs and Hemoglobin
Maintain the stable diluted cell volume of each red cell and platelet
during the count and sizing portion of the measurement cycle
Provide acceptable background counts
Hemoglobin Lyse (L/N 99411-01)
CELL-DYN Hemoglobin Lyse is formulated to:
Rapidly lyse the Red Blood Cells
Convert hemoglobin to a modified hemiglobincyanide complex
that is measurable at 540 nm. (The quaternary ammonium lysate
participates as a chromogen.)
Sheath (L/N 99311-01)
CELL-DYN Sheath is formulated to:
Dilute the WBCs
Osmotically lyse the red cells
Maintain the light scattering properties of the WBCs
Serve as a sheath fluid for the hydrodynamic focusing process
Provide sufficient wetting action to prevent accumulation of air
bubbles in the WBC flow system
Provide acceptable WBC background count
The following consumables are available:
Shear Valve Lubricant (L/N 99630-01)
CELL-DYN Shear Valve Lubricant is formulated to effectively lubricate
the inner surfaces of the shear valve, which ensures smooth rotation and
consistent valve alignment.
Enzymatic Cleaner (L/N 99644-01)
CELL-DYN Enzymatic Cleaner is formulated to effectively remove
protein build-up within the instrument.
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