3000 System Operator’s Manual
9140240E — May 1995
Chapter 5
Operating Instructions
Sample Collection and Handling
WARNING: Potential Biohazard. Consider all clinical
specimens and controls, calibrators, etc. that contain human
blood or serum as potentially infectious. Use established, good
laboratory working practices when handling these samples. Wear
gloves, lab coats and suitable eye protection and follow other
biosafety practices as specified in the OSHA Bloodborne
Pathogen Rule or other equivalent biosafety procedures.
All performance claims given in this manual were generated from
samples collected in K
EDTA. Samples collected in K
EDTA, Heparin, Sodium Citrate or Lithium EDTA may be run with
no adverse effect on the instrument. Certain results may be affected by
the use of these anticoagulants. Therefore, each laboratory should
develop protocols for handling samples collected in these anticoagulants.
Sample Stability
Fresh whole blood samples are recommended. The ICSH defines a fresh
blood sample as one processed within four hours after collection.
The hemogram parameters, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC,
RDW, PLT and MPV are stable (±5%) for up to 24 hours after collection.
The total WBC is stable (±5%) for up to 12 hours after collection. The
stability of the total WBC decreases to ±7% at 24 hours after collection.
The WBC Differential parameters NEU, LYM, MONO, EOS and BASO
are stable (±10%) for up to 12 hours after collection. An increase in false
positive suspect population flags may be seen on samples processed
before 30 minutes or after 4 hours from the collection time.
Stability studies indicate that samples exhibit increased stability when
they are stored at room temperature rather than stored in the refrigerator.
The stability of capillary samples collected in micro collection containers
may vary depending on the microtainer manufacturer. Refer to the
manufacturer’s package insert for stability claims.
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