Functional Description
SLAU723A – October 2017 – Revised October 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Ethernet Controller
After more than 96 bytes are transferred to the MAC, the FIFO controller clears space in the FIFO and
makes it available to the DMA to transfer more data. Retransmission is not possible after this threshold is
crossed or when the MAC indicates a late collision event.
When a frame transmission is aborted because of underflow and a collision event follows, which initiates a
retry, then the retry has higher priority than the abort. TX FIFO Flush Operation
The TX FIFO can be flushed by setting the FTF bit in the EMACDMAOPMODE register. The flush
operation is immediate and the TX/RX Controller clears the TX FIFO and the corresponding pointers to
the initial state even if it is in the middle of transferring a frame to the MAC. The data which is already
accepted by the MAC transmitter is not flushed. This data is scheduled for transmission and results in an
underflow event because the TX FIFO did not complete the transfer or the rest of the frame. As in all
underflow conditions, a runt frame is transmitted and observed on the line. The status of such a frame is
marked with both underflow and frame flush events in the Transmit Descriptor 0 (TDES0) word.
The TX/RX Controller also stops accepting any data from the DMA during the flush operation. It generates
and transfers Transmit Status Words to the application for the frames that are flushed inside the FIFO,
including partial frames. Frames that are completely flushed in the TX/RX Controller are identified by
setting the Flush Status (FF) bit in the Transmit Descriptor 0 (TDES0) word. The TX/RX Controller
completes the flush operation when the DMA accepts all of the status words for the frames that were
flushed and then clears the TX FIFO Flush control (FTF) bit in the EMACDMAOPMODE register. At this
point, the TX/RX Controller starts accepting new frames from the DMA. Transmit Status Word
At the end of the transfer of the Ethernet frame to the MAC and after the MAC completes the transmission
of the frame, the TX/RX delivers a transmit status word (TDES0) to the application. If IEEE timestamping
is enabled, the TX/RX Controller returns the specific frame's 64-bit timestamp, along with the transmit
status word. The fields for the Transmit Descriptors are described in
. Receive (RX) Control Path
TX/RX Controller receives frames from the MAC and pushes them into the RX FIFO. When the fill level of
the RX FIFO crosses the programmed RX Threshold, the DMA is notified. Receive Operation
During a receive operation the TX/RX Controller is a slave to the MAC. The steps of the receive operation
are as follows:
1. The MAC receives a frame. This data, along with SOF, EOF and byte enable information is sent to the
TX/RX Controller. The TX/RX Controller accepts the data and pushes it into the RX FIFO. After the
EOF is transferred, the MAC drives the status word, which is also pushed in to the RX FIFO.
2. When timestamp is enabled by setting the TSEN bit in the Ethernet MAC Timestamp Control
(EMACTIMSTCTRL) register, at offset 0x700, and the 64-bit timestamp is present with the receive
status, it is appended to the frame and received by the MAC and pushed into the TX FIFO before the
corresponding receive status word is written. Thus, two additional locations per frame are taken for
storing timestamp in the RX FIFO.
3. Data can be sent to the TX/RX Controller in cut-through mode or store-and-forward mode. When the
RTC bit field of the EMACDMAOPMODE register is set to 0x0 and cut-through mode is enabled (RSF
= 0), the TX/RX Controller indicates availability to transfer to the DMA when 64 bytes are in the RX
FIFO or a full packet of data has been received into the RX FIFO. When the DMA initiates transfers to
system memory, the TX/RX Controller continues to transfer data from the RX FIFO until a complete
packet has been transferred. When EOF has occurred, the TX/RX Controller sends the status word to
the DMA.
The timestamp transfer takes two clock cycles and the lower 32-bits of the timestamp are
sent first when timestamping is enabled.