ADC Registers
SLAU723A – October 2017 – Revised October 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
Table 10-13. ADCEMUX Register Field Descriptions (continued)
SS2 Trigger Select.
This field selects the trigger source for Sample Sequencer 2.
0x0 = Processor (default). The trigger is initiated by setting the SSn
bit in the ADCPSSI register.
0x1 = Analog Comparator 0. This trigger is configured by the Analog
Comparator Control 0 (ACCTL0) register ().
0x2 = Analog Comparator 1. This trigger is configured by the Analog
Comparator Control 1 (ACCTL1) register ().
0x3 = Analog Comparator 2. This trigger is configured by the Analog
Comparator Control 2 (ACCTL2) register ().
0x4 = External (GPIO Pins). This trigger is connected to the GPIO
interrupt for the corresponding GPIO (see ).
0x5 = Timer. In addition, the trigger must be enabled with the TnOTE
bit in the GPTMCTL register ().
0x6 = PWM generator 0. The PWM generator 0 trigger can be
configured with the PWM0 Interrupt and Trigger Enable
(PWM0INTEN) register ().
0x7 = PWM generator 1. The PWM generator 1 trigger can be
configured with the PWM1INTEN register ().
0x8 = PWM generator 2. The PWM generator 2 trigger can be
configured with the PWM2INTEN register ().
0x9 = PWM generator 3. The PWM generator 3 trigger can be
configured with the PWM3INTEN register ().
0xA = Reserved
0xC = Reserved
0xD = Reserved
0xE = Never Trigger (No triggers are allowed to the ADC digital
0xF = Always (continuously sample)
SS1 Trigger Select.
This field selects the trigger source for Sample Sequencer 1.
0x0 = Processor (default). The trigger is initiated by setting the SSn
bit in the ADCPSSI register.
0x1 = Analog Comparator 0. This trigger is configured by the Analog
Comparator Control 0 (ACCTL0) register ().
0x2 = Analog Comparator 1. This trigger is configured by the Analog
Comparator Control 1 (ACCTL1) register ().
0x3 = Analog Comparator 2. This trigger is configured by the Analog
Comparator Control 2 (ACCTL2) register ().
0x4 = External (GPIO Pins). This trigger is connected to the GPIO
interrupt for the corresponding GPIO (see ).
0x5 = Timer. In addition, the trigger must be enabled with the TnOTE
bit in the GPTMCTL register ().
0x6 = PWM generator 0. The PWM generator 0 trigger can be
configured with the PWM0 Interrupt and Trigger Enable
(PWM0INTEN) register ().
0x7 = PWM generator 1. The PWM generator 1 trigger can be
configured with the PWM1INTEN register ().
0x8 = PWM generator 2. The PWM generator 2 trigger can be
configured with the PWM2INTEN register ().
0x9 = PWM generator 3. The PWM generator 3 trigger can be
configured with the PWM3INTEN register ().
0xA = Reserved
0xC = Reserved
0xD = Reserved
0xE = Never Trigger (No triggers are allowed to the ADC digital
0xF = Always (continuously sample)