Functional Description
SLAU723A – October 2017 – Revised October 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Cortex-M4 Peripherals
If a program accesses a memory location that is prohibited by the MPU, the processor generates a
memory management fault, causing a fault exception and possibly causing termination of the process in
an OS environment. In an OS environment, the kernel can update the MPU region setting dynamically
based on the process to be executed. Typically, an embedded OS uses the MPU for memory protection.
Configuration of MPU regions is based on memory types. For more information, see
shows the possible MPU region attributes. For programming a microcontroller implementation,
for guidelines.
Table 2-2. Memory Attributes Summary
Memory Type
Strongly Ordered
All accesses to strongly ordered memory occur in program order.
Memory-mapped peripherals
Normal memory
To avoid unexpected behavior, disable the interrupts before updating the attributes of a region that the
interrupt handlers might access.
Ensure software uses aligned accesses of the correct size to access MPU registers:
Except for the MPU Region Attribute and Size (MPUATTR) register, all MPU registers must be
accessed with aligned word accesses.
The MPUATTR register can be accessed with byte or aligned halfword or word accesses.
The processor does not support unaligned accesses to MPU registers.
When setting up the MPU, and if the MPU has previously been programmed, disable unused regions to
prevent any previous region settings from affecting the new MPU setup.
Updating an MPU Region
To update the attributes for an MPU region, the MPU Region Number (MPUNUMBER), MPU Region Base
Address (MPUBASE) and MPUATTR registers must be updated. Each register can be programmed
separately or with a multiple-word write to program all of these registers. You can use the MPUBASEx and
MPUATTRx aliases to program up to four regions simultaneously using an STM instruction. Updating an MPU Region Using Separate Words
This example simple code configures one region:
; R1 = region number
; R2 = size/enable
; R3 = attributes
; R4 = address
; 0xE000ED98, MPU region number register
STR R1, [R0, #0x0]
; Region Number
STR R4, [R0, #0x4]
; Region Base Address
STRH R2, [R0, #0x8]
; Region Size and Enable
STRH R3, [R0, #0xA]
; Region Attribute
Disable a region before writing new region settings to the MPU if you have previously enabled the region
being changed. For example:
; R1 = region number
; R2 = size/enable
; R3 = attributes
; R4 = address
; 0xE000ED98, MPU region number register
STR R1, [R0, #0x0]
; Region Number
BIC R2, R2, #1
; Disable
STRH R2, [R0, #0x8]
; Region Size and Enable
STR R4, [R0, #0x4]
; Region Base Address
STRH R3, [R0, #0xA]
; Region Attribute
ORR R2, #1
; Enable