5Functions set with parameters
Movement parameter
Warm-up operation
Integer 2
Perform settings pertaining to the speed in the warm-up operation
(Initial value, ratio of value constant time) Unit: %
Initial value: Specify the initial value of an override (warm-up
operation override) to be applied to the operation speed when in
the warm-up operation status. (Setting range: 50 to 100)
Ratio of value constant time: Specify the duration of time during
which the override to be applied to the operation speed when in
the warm-up operation status does not change from the initial
value, using the ratio to the valid time.
(Setting range: 0 to 50)
The correspondence between the values of warm-up operation
overrides and the setting values of various elements is shown in
the figure below.
Note: If a value outside the setting range is specified, it is
processed as if the closest value in the setting range is
Note: If the initial value of an override is 100%, the warm-up
operation mode will be disabled.
Note: For multiple mechanisms, this mode is set for each
70, 50
Functional setting
of compliance error
Integer 1
Setting this parameter prevents errors 2710 through 2740 (errors
that occur if the position command generated in compliance
control is abnormal) from occurring.
1: Enable error generation
0: Disable error generation
The contents of applicable errors are as follows:
2710: The displacement from the original position command is
too large.
2720: Exceeded the joint limit of the compliance command
2730: Exceeded the speed of the compliance command
2740: Coordinate conversion error of the compliance
If these errors occur, compliance control is not functioning
normally. It is thus necessary to re-examine the teaching position
and the program content to correct the causes of these errors.
Change this parameter value to 0 (disable error generation) only
when you can determine that doing so does not cause any
operational problem even if the current operation is not suspended
by an error.
1 (Enable error
No. of arrays
No. of characters
Details explanation
Factory setting
Value constant time
Valid time of the warm-up operation status
operation override
Time during
which a target
axis is operating
Initial value
(First element)
Value constant time = Valid time x
Ratio of value constant time(Second element)