5Functions set with parameters
About the hand type
5.12 About the hand type
The factory default setting assumes that the double-solenoid type hand will be used. If the single-solenoid
type is used or if a general-purpose signal is to be used to control the robot, the HANDTYPE parameter
must be set as described below.
Table 5-10:Factory default parameter settings
Note) The default settings are D224, D226, D192 and D194 in the case of the RC-1300G series.
From the left, the values correspond to hand #1, #2, and so on. The default value is shown below.
Hand 1 = accesses signals #900 and #901
Hand 2 = accesses signals #902 and #903
Hand 3 = accesses signals #904 and #905
Hand 4 = accesses signals #906 and #907
The hand numbers 1 through 4 (or 8) will be used as the argument in the hand open/close instructions
(HOpen or HClose).
<Setting method>
When a double-solenoid type is used, 'D' must be added in front of the signal number to specify the number.
In the case of double-solenoid type, hand number will be from 1 to 4.
When a single-solenoid type is used, 'S' must be added in front of the signal number to specify the number.
In the case of single-solenoid type, hand number will be from 1 to 8.
1) To assign two hands of the double-solenoid type from the general-purpose signal #10
HANDTYPE=D10,D12, , , , ,
2) To assign three hands of the double-solenoid type from the general-purpose signal #10
HANDTYPE=S10,S11,S12, , , , ,
3) To assign hand 1 to the general-purpose signal #10 as the single-solenoid type while assigning hand
2 to the general-purpose signal #12 as the single-solenoid type
HANDTYPE=D10,S12, , , , ,
Parameter name
D900,D902,D904,D906, , , ,