Movement parameter
5Functions set with parameters
Real value 8 Designate the user-designated origin position. This normally does
not need to be set.
(J1,J2,J3,J4,J5,J6,J7,J8) Unit:deg
Select the function
of singular point
adjacent alarm
Refer to
"5.17 About the sin-
gular point adjacent
Integer 1
Designate the valid/invalid of the singular point adjacent alarm.
When this parameter is set up "VALID", this warning sound is
buzzing even if parameter: BZR (buzzer ON/OFF) is set up "OFF".
Jog setting
Real value 3 Designate the joint jog and step operation speed.
(Inching H, inching L, maximum override.)
Inching H: Feed amount when jog speed is set to High Unit: deg.
Inching L: Feed amount when jog speed is set to Low Unit: deg.
Maximum override: Operates at OP override x maximum override.
Setting value for
each mechanism
Real value 3 Designate the XYZ jog and step operation speed.
(Inching H, inching L, maximum override.)
Inching H: Feed amount when jog speed is set to High
Unit: deg.
Inching L: Feed amount when jog speed is set to Low
Unit: deg.
Maximum override: Operates at OP override x maximum override.
Operation exceeding the maximum speed 250 mm/s cannot be
Setting value for
each mechanism
Jog speed limit
Real value 1 Limit the robot movement speed during the teach mode.
Unit: mm/s
Even if a value larger than 250 is set, the maximum value will be
limited to 250.
Automatic return
setting after jog feed
at pause
Refer to
"5.10Automatic return
setting after jog feed
at pause"
Integer 1
While running a program, if the program is paused by a stop and
then the robot is moved by a jog feed for instance, at the time of
restart, this setting makes the robot return to the position at which
the program was halted before continuing. If this function is dis-
abled, movement instructions will be carried out from the current
position until the next point. The robot does not return to the posi-
tion where the program was halted.
0: Invalid .
1: Return by JOINT interpolation.
2: Return by XYZ interpolation.
Note) When returning by XYZ interpolation, carry out shorter cir-
cuit movement by 3 axis XYZ interpolation.
Note) In the circle interpolation (Mvc, Mvr, Mvr2, Mvr3) command,
this function is valid for H4 or later. Moreover, in the circle
interpolation command and the Mva command, even if set
up with 0, the operation is same as 1.
No. of arrays
No. of characters
Details explanation
Factory setting