Detailed Explanation of Functions
Calculates the position data that indicates a coordinate system (plane) specified by three position data.
Normally, use Def Plt and Plt instructions for pallet calculation.
<Numeric Variable 1>
This will be the origin of X, Y, and Z of the plane to be specified by three posi-
tions. A variable or a constant.
<Numeric Variable 2>
A point on the X axis of the plane to be specified by three positions. A variable
or a constant.
<Numeric Variable 3>
A point in the positive Y direction of the X-Y plane on the plane to be specified
by three positions. A variable or a constant.
<Numeric Variable 4>
Variable to which the result is assigned.
Substitute the structural flag by the value of <position 1>.
[Reference Program]
1 Base P_NBase
2 P100=Fram(P1,P2,P3)
' Create P100 coordinate system based on P1, P2 and P3 positions.
3 P10=Inv(P10)
4 Base P10
' Position of P100 will be used as the origin for robot.
(1) This can be used to define the base coordinate system.
(2) This creates a plane from the three coordinates X, Y, and Z for the three positions to calculate the posi-
tion of the origin and the inclination of the plane, and returns the result as a position variable. The X, Y,
and Z coordinates of the position data will be identical to that of position variable 1, while A, B, and C
will be the inclination of the plane to be specified by the three positions.
(3) Since the return value is a position data, an error will be generated if a joint variable is used in the left-
hand side.
(4) It is not possible to describe a function that contains an argument in <position 1>, <position 2> and
<position 3>. If such a function is described, an error will be generated during execution.
NG exampleP10=Fram(FPrm(P01,P02,P03), P04, P05)
Relative conversion (* operator). Refer to
Page 367, "5.8 About user-defined area"
<Numeric Variable 4>=Fram(<Numeric Variable 1>, <Numeric Variable 2>,
<Numeric Variable 3>)