Sequencer link I/O function
6External input/output functions
6.2.2 CPU shared memory and robot I/O signal compatibility
At the sequencer CPU, the CPU shared memory is accessed like U3E0\G10000. The robot CPU No.n CPU
shared memory accesses like U3En\G10000.
(n = 1 to 3, Up to a maximum of three robot CPUs can be used.)
The robot CPU I/O signal numbers are all from 10000 to 18191.
Word devices are used at the sequencer side and bit devices are used at the robot side, and therefore caution is
Please note that the CPU shared memory and robot I/O signal compatibility is as shown in the following table and
cannot be changed.
Table 6-4:CPU shared memory and robot I/O signal compatibility
6.2.3 Sequence ladder example
The following is an example in which the X0 “Enable robot operation permissions” button at the operation panel
is turned ON and the robot operation permissions enabled status is output to the Y20 “Robot operation
permissions enabled lamp” at the operation panel. The multi CPU configuration is comprised of a sequencer
QnUD(H)CPU for the first multi CPU, and a robot Q172DRCPU for the second multi CPU.
<0 to 16th row>
M100 to M131 is written to the U3E0\G10000 and U3E0\G10001 shared device memory, and this represents
the input from the sequencer to the robot. The U3E1\G10000 and U3E1\G10001 shared device memory is
read to the bit devices for M200 to M231, and this represents the output from the robot to the sequencer.
<17 to 22nd row>
By turning X0 ON, M105 turns ON and the sequencer U3E0\G10000 bit 5 corresponding to M105 turn ON.
Consequently, robot input 10005 turns ON, and the operation permissions assigned with the dedicated input
signal are enabled.
When operating permissions are enabled, robot output 10005 assigned with the dedicated output signal turns
ON, and the robot U3E1\G10000 bit 5 turns ON. Consequently, the sequencer M205 corresponding to
U3E1\G10000 bit 5 turns ON, and Y20 turns ON.
Please note that bit device M201 (U3E0\G10000 bit 1 / in other words robot output 10001) in this example
indicates controller power ON complete (A signal indicating that external input signals can be received is
Sequencer (word device)
Robot (bit device)
U3E0\G10000 to U3E0\G10511
Robot CPU No.1 / 10000 to 18191
U3E0\G10512 to U3E0\G11023
Robot CPU No.2 / 10000 to 18191
U3E0\G11024 to U3E0\G11535
Robot CPU No.3 / 10000 to 18191
U3E1\G10000 to U3E1\G10511
Robot CPU No.1 / 10000 to 18191
U3E2\G10000 to U3E2\G10511
Robot CPU No.2 / 10000 to 18191
U3E3\G10000 to U3E3\G10511
Robot CPU No.3 / 10000 to 18191