Detailed Explanation of Functions
Obtains the minimum value.
[Reference Program]
1 M1=Min(2,1,3,4,10,100)
' 1 is assigned to M1.
(1) Returns the minimum value among the arbitrary number of arguments.
(2) The length of this instruction can be up to the number of characters allowed in a single line (123 charac-
(3) It is not possible to describe a function that contains an argument in <Equation 1>, <Equation 2> and ....
. If such a function is described, an error will be generated during execution.
Inverts the bit string representing each character code of the string in binary, and obtains the character-
coded string.
[Reference Program]
1 C1$=Mirror$("BJ")
' "RB" is assigned to C1$.
' "BJ" =&H42,&H4A=&B01000010,&B01001010.
' Inverted =&H52,&H42=&B01010010,&B01000010.
' Output ="RB".
(1) Inverts the bit string representing each character code of the string in binary, and obtains the character-
coded string.
<Numeric Variable>=Min(<Equation 1>, <Equation 2>, ......)
<Character String Variable >=Mirror$(<Character String Expression>)