About the singular point adjacent alarm
5Functions set with parameters
5.17 About the singular point adjacent alarm
When a robot having a singular point is being operated using a T/B, a singular point adjacent alarm is gen-
erated to warn the operators of the robot if the control point of the robot approaches a singular point.
Even if an alarm is generated, the robot continues to operate as long as it can perform operation unless
operation is suspended. Also, an alarm is reset automatically when the robot moves away from a singular
point. The following describes the details of the singular point adjacent alarm.
(1) Operations that generate an alarm
An alarm is generated if the control point of a robot approaches a singular point while a robot is performing
any of the following operations using the T/B.
1) Jog operation (other than in joint jog mode)
2) Step feed and step return operations
3) MS position moving operation
4) Direct execution operation
If the robot approaches a singular point by any of the operations listed above, the buzzer of the controller
keeps buzzing (continuous sound). However, the STATUS. NUMBER display on the operation panel does
not change.
Also, in the case of "[1] Jog operation (other than joint jog mode)" above, a warning is displayed on the T/B
screen together with the sound of the buzzer.
(2) Operations that do not generate an alarm
No alarm is generated when a robot is performing any of the operations listed below even if the control point
of the robot approaches a singular point.
1) Additional axis jog operation initiated in joint jog mode using the T/B
2) When the joint interpolation instruction is executed even by an operation from the T/B
(Execution of the Mov instruction, MO position moving operation)
3) When the program is running automatically
4) Jog operation using dedicated input signals (such as JOGENA and JOGM)
5) When the robot is being operated using external force by releasing the brake
6) When the robot is stationary