Detailed Explanation of Functions
Sets the value to the Position variable
<Position Variable>
Sets the value to the Position variable.
<X Axis>-<Z Axis>
The unit is mm.
<A Axis>-<C Axis>
The unit is Rad. (It can be switched to Deg using the PRGMDeg parameter.)
<L1 Axis>-<L2 Axis>
The unit depends on "AXUNT" Parameter.
[Reference Program]
1 P1=P_Curr
2 For M1=0 to 100 SETP 10
3 M2=P1.Z+M1
4 P2=SetPos(P1.X, P1.Y, M2)
' Only for the value of the Z axis, it is rotated by 10 mm each time.
The same value is used for the A and succeeding axes.
5 Mov J2
6 Next M1
(1) The value of each axis in joint variables can be changed.
(2) Variable can be described as arguments.
(3) Arguments can be omitted except for the X axis. They can be omitted for all subsequent axes. (Argu-
ments such as SetPos(10,10,,,,10) cannot be described.)
(4) In an argument, it is not allowed to describe a function with an argument. If described, an error occurs
when executed.
[Related parameter]
<<Position Variable>>=SetPos(<X Axis>[,<Y Axis>[,<Z Axis>
[,<A Axis>[,<B Axis>[,<C Axis>[,<L1 Axis>[,<L2 Axis>]]]]]]])