Detailed explanation of Robot Status Variable
Returns whether or not the command value when the compliance function is being executed is about to
exceed various limits.
1: The command value is about to exceed a limit.
0: The command value is not about to exceed a limit.
<Mechanism Number>
Specify the mechanism number 1 to 3. The default value is 1.
[Reference Program]
1 Def Act 1, M_CmpLmt(1)=1 GoTo *Lmt
' Define the conditions of interrupt 1.
2 '
3 '
10 Mov P1
11 CmpG 1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1
12 Cmp Pos, &B100
' Enable compliance mode.
13 Act 1=1
' Enable interrupt 1.
14 Mvs P2
100 *Lmt
101 Mvs P1
' Movement to P2 is interrupted and returns to P1.
102 Reset Err
' Reset the error.
103 Hlt
' Execution is stopped.
(1) This is used to recover from the error status by using interrupt processing if an error has occurred while
the command value in the compliance mode attempted to exceed a limit.
(2) For various limits, the joint operation range and operation speed of the command value in the compli-
ance mode, and the dislocation between the commanded position and the actual position are checked.
(3) 0 is set if the servo power is off, or the compliance mode is disabled.
(4) This is a read only variable.
Example) Def Act 1, M_CmpLmt [(<Mechanism Number>)]=1 GoTo *Lmt