Detailed Explanation of Functions
Converts the value of the equation into a decimal string.
[Reference Program]
1 C1$=Str$(123)
' "123" is assigned to C1$.
(1) Converts the value of the equation into a decimal string.
(2) Val is a command that performs this procedure in reverse.
Calculates the tangent.
[Reference Program]
1 M1=Tan(Rad(60))
' 1.732051 is assigned to M1.
(1) Returns the tangent of the value to which the equation evaluates.
(2) The range of arguments will be the entire range of values that are allowed.
(3) The range of return values will be the entire range that numerical values can take.
(4) The unit of arguments is in radians.
<Character String Variable >=Str$(<Equation>)
<Numeric Variable>=Tan(<Equation>)