Detailed explanation of command words
On Com GoSub (ON Communication Go Subroutine)
Defines the starting line of a branching subroutine when an interrupt is generated from a designated com-
munication line.
<File No.>
Describe a number between 1 and 3 assigned to the communication line.
<Call Destination> Describe the line No. and label name.
[Reference Program]
If an interrupt is generated from the file No. 1 communication line (COM1:), carry out the label RECV pro-
1 Open "COM1:" AS #1
' Communication line opening.
2 On Com(1) GoSub *RECV
' The definition of interruption.
3 Com(1) On
' Enable interrupt from file No. 1 communication line.
10 ' <<If the communicative interrupt occurs here, it will branch to label *RECV.>>
11 '
12 Mov P1
13 Com(1) Stop
' Suspend the interrupt during movement only from P1 to P2.
14 Mov P2
15 Com(1) On
' If there are some communications during movement from P1 to P2, the
interrupt occurs here.
16 '
22 ' <<If the communicative interrupt occurs here, it will branch to label *RECV.>>
23 '
24 Com(1) Off
' Disable interrupt from file No. 1 communication line.
25 Close #1
26 End
30 *RECV
' Communication interruption processing.
31 Input #1, M0001
' Set the received information as M0001 and P0001.
32 Input #1, P0001
39 Return 1
' Returns control to the next step of interrupted step.
(1) If the file No. is omitted, 1 will be used as the file No.
(2) The file Nos. with the smallest No. have the order of priority for the interrupt.
(3) If the communicative interrupt occurs while the robot is moving, robots operating within the same slot will
stop. It is possible to use Com Stop to stop the interrupt, and prevent the robot from stopping.
(4) Interrupts are prohibited in the initial state. To enable interrupts, execute the Com On instruction after this
(5) Make sure to return from a subroutine using theReturn instruction. An error occurs if the GoTo instruction
is used to return, because the free memory available for control structure (stack memory) decreases
and eventually becomes insufficient.
[Related instructions]
Com On/Com Off/Com Stop (Communication ON/OFF/STOP)
On[]Com[][(<File No.>)][]GoSub[]<Call Destination>