Detailed Explanation of Functions
Converts the unit of angle measurement from degrees (deg) into radians (rad).
[Reference Program]
1 P1=P_Curr
2 P1.C=Rad(90)
3 Mov P1
' Moves to P1, which is obtained by changing the C axis of the current position
to 90 degrees.
(1) Converts the degree value of an equation into radian value.
(2) This can be used to assign values to the posture components (ABC) of a position variable or to execute
trigonometric functions.
Rdfl 1
Returns the structure flag of the specified position using character data "R"/"L", "A"/"B", and "N"/"F".
<Position Variables>
Specifies the position variable from which the structure flag will be extracted.
Specifies which structure flag is to be extracted.
0 = "R" / "L", 1 = "A" / "B", 2 = "N" / "F"
[Reference Program]
1 P1=(100,0,100,180,0,180)(7,0) ' Since the structure flag 7 (&B111) is RAN,
2 C1$=Rdfl1(P1,1)
' C1$ will contain "A".
(1) Of the structure flags in the position data specified by argument 1, the flag specified by argument 2 will
be extracted.
(2) This function extracts information from the FL1 element of position data.
(3) It is not possible to describe a function that contains an argument in <Position Variables> and
<Equation>. If such a function is described, an error will be generated during execution.
<Numeric Variable>=Rad(<Equation>)
<Character String Variable >=Rdfl1(<Position Variables>, <Equation>)