Detailed Explanation of Functions
Rdfl 2
Returns the multiple rotation information of the specified joint axis.
<Position Variables>
Specifies the position variable from which the multiple rotation information is to be extracted.
Specifies the value for the joint axis from which the multiple rotation information is to be extracted. (1
through 8)
[Reference Program]
1 P1=(100,0,100,180,0,180)(7,&H00100000) '
2 M1=Rdfl2(P1,6)
' 1 is assigned to M1.
(1) Of the multiple rotation information of the position data specified by argument 1, the value for the joint
axis specified by argument 2 is extracted.
(2) The range of the return value is between -8 and 7.
(3) This function extracts information from the FL2 element of position data.
(4) Structure flag 2 (multiple rotation information) has a 32-bit structure, which contains 4 bits of information
per axis for 8 axes.
(5) When displaying in T/B and the multiple rotation is a negative value, value of -1 to -8 is converted into F
to 8 (4-bit signed hexadecimal notation) and displayed.
(6) It is not possible to describe a function that contains an argument in <Position Variables> and
<Equation>. If such a function is described, an error will be generated during execution.
<Numeric Variable>=Rdfl2(<Position Variables>, <Equation>)
<Sample display of multiple rotation information in TB>
87654321 axis
<Relationship between display and number of multiple
rotations per axis>
When multiple rotation of axis J6 is +1:
............... -2 -1 0 +1 +2...............
When multiple rotation of axis J6 is -1:
............... E F 0 1 2...............