About the impact detection function
5Functions set with parameters
(2) Applicable models
The impact detection function is available for the following models.
Table 5-17:Models available with impact detection function
(3) Related parameters
The following parameters are related to the impact detection function. Refer to
Page 377, "5.16 Hand and Workpiece Conditions (optimum acceleration/deceleration set-
for the detailed explanation of these parameters.
Table 5-18:Parameters related to the impact detection function
Available models
RV-3SD/3SJD/6SD/6SDL/12SD/12SDL series
RH-6SDH/12SDH/18SDH seies
Description and value
Setting value
at shipment
Define whether to enable or disable the impact detection function as well as whether it
is valid or invalid immediately after turning the power supply on.
Element 1: Specify whether to enable (1) or disable (0) the impact detection function
Element 2: Specify the initial state in program operation. Enable (1)/disable (0)
Element 3: Specify whether the function is enabled or disabled at jog operation.
Enabled (1)/disabled (0)/NOERR mode (2)
RV-SD series
Set the initial value of the detection level (sensitivity) of each joint axis at program
operation. This value is a scaling factor that amplifies the detection level standard
value prescribed in the impact detection function. The smaller the value, the higher the
detection level.
Setting range: 1 to 500, unit: %
The setting
depending on
the model.
Set the detection level (sensitivity) of each joint axis at jog operation (including pause
status). This value is a scaling factor that amplifies the detection level standard value
prescribed in the impact detection function. The smaller the value, the higher the
detection level.
Setting range: 1 to 500, unit: %
The setting
depending on
the model.
* is 1 to 8
Set the hand conditions (via tool coordinates).
HNDDAT0 is employed as the initial condition immediately after turning the power sup-
ply on. (Weight, size X, size Y, size Z, center of gravity X, center of gravity Y, center of
gravity Z) Unit: kg, mm
The setting
depending on
the model.
* is 1 to 8
Set the workpiece conditions (via tool coordinates).
WRKDAT0 is employed as the initial condition immediately after turning the power sup-
ply on. (Weight, size X, size Y, size Z, center of gravity X, center of gravity Y, center of
gravity Z) Unit: kg, mm
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
* is 1 to 8
Specify whether to grab (1) or not grab (0) workpieces when the HOpen and HClose
instructions are executed.
Element 1: Specify the status when the HOpen instruction is executed.
Element 2: Specify the status when the HClose instruction is executed.