Detailed specifications of MELFA-BASIC V
The wrist tip axis value in the XYZ coordinates (J6 axis in a vertical multi-joint type robot) is the same after
one rotation (360 degrees). For this reason, FL2 is used to count the number of rotations.
4.3.13 Joint constants
The syntax for the joint constants is as shown below
6 axis robot
J1 = ( 0, 10, 80, 10, 90, 0 )
6 axis + Additional axis
J1 = ( 0, 10, 80, 10, 90, 0, 10, 10 )
5 axis robot
J1 = ( 0, 10, 80, 0, 90, 0 )
5 axis + Additional axis
J1 = ( 0, 10, 80, 0, 90, 0, 10, 10 )
4 axis robot
J1 = ( 10, 20, 90, 0 )
4 axis + Additional axis
J1 = ( 10, 20, 90, 0, , , 10, 10 )
(1) Axis data format and meanings
[Format] J1,J2,J3,J4,J5,J6,J7,J8
[Meaning] J1 to J6: Robot axis data (Unit is mm or deg.)
J7, J8: Additional axis data, and may be omitted (optional).
(Unit is mm or deg. Depending on the parameter setting.
The unit is mm, not degrees, if the J3 axis of a horizontal multi-joint type robot is a direct-driven
Value of multiple
rotation data
Angle of each axis
Value of multiple rotation data
Designation of axis No.
1. There is no need to describe the coordinate and posture data for all eight axes. However, if omitted, the
following axis data will be processed as undefined.
For a 4-axis robot (X,Y,Z,C axis configuration), describe as (X, Y, Z, , , C) or (X,Y,Z,0,0,C).
2. To omit all axes,insert at least one ","(comma), such as (,).
Use of variables in position element data
The coordinate, position, additional axis data and structure flag data are called the position element data.
A variable cannot be contained in the position element data that configures the position constant.
Omitting the structure flag data
If the structure flag data is omitted, the default value will be applied.((7,0) Varies depending on the
machine model.)
(10, -20, 90, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0)
J8 axis (additional axis 2)
J7 axis (additional axis 1)
J6 axis
J5 axis
J3 axis
J2 axis
J1 axis
J4 axis