Detailed explanation of command words
The results of an operation are substituted in a variable or array variable.
For pulse substitution
<Variable Name>
Designate the variable name of the value is to be substituted.
(Refer to the syntax diagram for the types of variables.)
<Expression 1>
Substitution value. Describe an numeric value operation expression.
<Expression 2>
Pulse timer. Describe an numeric value operation expression.
[Reference Program]
(1) Substitution of the variable operation result .
1 P100=P1+P2*2
(2) Output of the signal.
2 M_Out(10)=1
' Turn on the output signal 10.
(3) Pulse output of the signal.
3 M_Out(17)=1 Dly 2.0
' Turn on the output signal 17 for 2 seconds.
(1) When using this additionally for the pulse output, the pulse will be executed in parallel with the execution
of the commands on the following steps.
(2) Be aware that if a pulse is output by M_Outb or M_Outw, the bits are reversed in 8-bit units or 16-bit
units, respectively. It is not possible to reverse at any bit widths.
(3) If the End command or program's last step is executed during the designated time, or if the program exe-
cution is stopped due to an emergency stop, etc., the output state will be held. But, the output reversed
after the designated time.
<Variable Name> = <Expression 1>
<Variable Name> = <Expression 1> Dly <Expression 2>