KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database
Radio Mods Database and Manuals
Modifications for the Icom IC-706MKII
ICOM 706 MKII Extended transmit mod
Special on IC706mkII
TX range expansion for IC-706MKIIG
Expand only mod for the IC-706MkII
Mike Amp Mod for IC 706 MK II
mods IC706 MKIIG por EA1DOU (ver. Española)
Modifikation IC-706MKIIG für 9k6 PR und Pactor
IC-706MKIIG mod
More talk power on SSB from your Icom 706Mk2/Mk2G and Alinco
Mods for Japanese version IC-706MK2G
Icom IC-706MK2 cw keyer
IC-706MK2G increase recieve
Icom 706mkIIG Mic
Convert IC-706MK2G from American to European version
ICOM 706 Mk2G IF filter change
IC-706mkIIG fan mod
ICOM LDG interface and ICOM IC-706MKIIG
ICOM 706 MKII Extended transmit mod
From: "Len SantaMaria, KC2ADV"
This file may be freely distributed as long as it remains intact, with no modifications, additions, or deletions.
I assume no responsibility for damage or inaccuracies contained in this document. In other words, USE THIS AT YOUR OWN
RISK. It worked for me, however I don't know if it will work for you.
WARNING #1: This mod requires the ability to remove surface mount diodes. Only those who are qualified to do this should
attempt this mod.
WARNING #2: This mod seems to erase all memory channels, etc. You may want to save this info for reprogramming.
Face the front of the radio towards you.
Remove the three screws in a row across the middle of the top of the radio.
http://www.kb2ljj.com/data/icom/ic-706-MKII.htm (1 di 30)23/08/2009 23.05.07