KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database
I do have a comment on the Mic input.
I looked at this mods last night and found that the WHITE wire which is the MIC INPUT is missing.
This wire is suppose to be connected to 6 on the RJ45 plug.
Otherwise you won't here very much!!
73 de Guy ZL2VBV
Convert IC-706MK2G from American to European version
Author: Vesa, OH3NWQ
I edited the out-of-band drawing to show the modification from American version to European version
ICOM 706 Mk2G IF filter change
Author: Charlie Mazoch Jr.
This mod is for installing a International Radio #110 crystal filter into the Icom 706 Mk2G.
Remove the upper cover of transceiver, then unplug two ribbon cables and the rf connectors so circuit board can be removed and
turned over to expose trace side.
Unsolder the filter that this radio comes with and solder subminiature coax to the pads where the filter was soldered observing
correct orientation of wiring. Leave the coax of sufficient length to go behind board and across top.
The #110 filter is attached to the top side of circuit board at a ninety degree angle from the original. With front of transceiver
http://www.kb2ljj.com/data/icom/ic-706-MKII.htm (26 di 30)23/08/2009 23.05.07