5Functions set with parameters
About the impact detection function
(4) How to use the impact detection function
To use the impact detection function, first specify "Enable (1)" for element 1 of the COL parameter and turn
on the power supply to the control again. Next, make settings for the impact detection function (specify to
enable/disable the function and the detection level) for jog operation and program operation, respectively.
(Refer to
Page 403, "Table 5-18: Parameters related to the impact detection function"
as well.)
1) How to use the function during jog operation
During jog operation, all the settings for the impact detection function are made via parameters. For this rea-
son, if settings such as enabled/disabled are changed while the power supply to the controller is turned on,
the changes are not reflected until the power supply is turned on again the next time. Table 5-19 lists param-
eters used when setting the impact detection function for jog operation.
Table 5-19:Parameters set for the impact detection function used during jog operation
*Adjustment of impact detection level
The detection level (sensitivity) at jog operation is set relatively low. If a higher detection level is required,
use the COLLVLJG parameter to adjust the level. Be sure to set the HNDDAT0 and WRKDAT0 parameters
properly as well in order to estimate the torque accurately.
*Behavior when interference is detected
If an interference with peripheral devices or similar is detected during jog operation, an error numbered in
the 1010's (the least significant digit is the axis number) is generated and the robot is stopped as the servo
is turned off. If the robot is in the NOERR mode (2 is specified for element 3 of the COL parameter), no error
is generated, but the robot stops as the servo is turned off (an error numbered in the 1010's will be recorded
in the error history, however).
*Operation after interference
If the servo is turned on while a hand or arm is in contact with peripheral devices or similar, the impact is
detected again, which may prevent the servo from being turned on. If an error occurs repeatedly when
attempting to turn the servo on, move the arm by releasing the brake once or perform jog operation by refer-
ring to
Operation to Temporarily Reset an Error that Cannot Be Canceled" to ensure that
there is no interference.
Description and value
Setting value
at shipment
Define whether to enable or disable the impact detection function as well as whether it
is valid or invalid immediately after turning the power supply on.
Element 1: Enables (1) the impact detection function (enable (1)/disable (0))
Element 3: Specify whether the function is enabled or disabled at jog operation.
Enabled (1)/disabled (0)/NOERR mode (2)
RV-SD series
Set the detection level (sensitivity) of each joint axis at jog operation (including pause
(Reference) In the case of RV-3SD
The initial setting is 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100.
The setting
depending on
the model.
Set the hand conditions (via tool coordinates).
(Reference) In the case of RV-3SD
The initial setting is 3.5,284.0,284.0,286.0,0.0,0.0,75.0.
The setting
depending on
the model.
Set the workpiece conditions (via tool coordinates).
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
If the detection level is set too high (the setting value is too small), interference may be detected errone-
ously depending on the robot position and posture. In such cases, lower the detection level (make the
setting value larger) before using.