Detailed explanation of command words
(1) Writes the Return instruction at the end of the jump destination processing called up by the GoSub
(2) An error occurs if the Return instruction is executed without being called by the GoSub instruction.
(3) Always use the Return instruction to return from a subroutine when called by the GoSub instruction. An
error occurs if the GoTo instruction is used to return, because the free memory available for control
structure (stack memory) decreases and eventually becomes insufficient.
(4) When there is a Return command in a normal subroutine with a return-to designation number, and when
there is a Return command in an interrupt-processing subroutine with no return-to destination number,
an error will occur.
(5) when returning from interruption processing to the next step by Return1, execute the statement to dis-
able the interrupt. When that is not so, if interruption conditions have been satisfied, because interrup-
tion processing will be executed again and it will return to the next step, the step may be skipped.
Please refer to
Page 179, "Def Act (Define act)"
[Related instructions]
On ... GoSub (ON Go Subroutine)