Detailed specifications of MELFA-BASIC V
4.3.25 Creating User Base Programs
User base programs can be created by using either the teaching box or Personal Computer Support Soft-
ware, in the same way as the normal programs. To create user base programs using the Personal Com-
puter Support Software, please follow the procedure below:
1) Store a program created as a user base program on your personal computer.
2) Start Program Manager from Program Editor of the Personal Computer Support Software.
3) Specify the program created in step
above as the transfer source and the robot as the transfer des-
tination in Program Manager, and perform a "copy" operation. At this point, uncheck the "Position
Variables" check box so that only the "Instructions" check box is checked.
4) When the copy operation is complete, perform the operation in step
above again. Uncheck the
"Instructions" check box and check the "Position Variables" check box this time, and then execute.
5) Write a user base program in the robot controller first when deleting a program and then register it
again in the program management window as well.
What is a user base program?
A user base program is used when user-defined external variables are used to define such variables, but
it is not necessary to actually execute the program. Simply create a program containing the necessary
declaration lines and register it in the "PRGUSR" parameter. After changing the parameter, turn the power
off and on again.
How to register a new user base program using the Personal Computer Support Software
Using the Personal Computer Support Software, write only instructions to the robot controller first, and
write only position data next.