Detailed explanation of command words
pulse of the target position, and will wait indefinitely for the completion of the operation instruction. As a
result, the program execution comes to a halt. Do not use the compliance mode and the Fine instruction
at the same time.
The compliance mode is in effect continuously until the Cmp Off instruction is exe-
cuted, or the power is turned off.
To execute a jog operation after setting the compliance mode with the Cmp Jnt
instruction, use the JOINT jog mode.
If any other jog mode is used, the robot may operate in a direction different from the
expected moving direction because the directions of the coordinate systems con-
trolled by the jog operation and the compliance mode differ.
When performing the teaching of a position while in the compliance mode, perform
servo OFF first.
Be careful that if teaching operation is performed with Servo ON, the original com-
mand position is taught, instead of the actual robot position. As a result, the robot
may move to a location different from what has been taught.
[Available robot type]
[Related system variables]
[Related instructions]
Cmp Off (Composition OFF), CmpG (Composition Gain), Cmp Pos (Composition Posture), Cmp Tool
RH-SDH series