SC10 Single Pump Controller
Starter Design to:
Maximise Safety
Maximise Pump Reliability
This sheet explains how to get the most out of the 2iB SC10. You don’t need to do these things to use the SC10, but here are
some tips to get the most out of it to maximise the performance and safety of your dewatering pumps.
Pump Reliability
What’s the Problem?
Pumps left in Manual will overheat and destroy the seal.
On most pump starter panels, when the operator wants to start a pump, they use a Manual or Hand Start. They switch the selector
pump to Manual. That is the operator’s only option.
The real problem happens when they leave the pump running in Manual. Once the water level drops, the pump runs dry and the
seal overheats and fails.
This is a frequent cause of failure of dewatering pumps.
What’s the Solution?
On most starter panels the only way the operator can start the pump is to use the Manual Start.
With the SC10 you should connect a Start and, optionally, a Stop pushbutton.
The SC10 has Auto Start and Stop inputs. When the Start pushbutton is pressed the SC10 will start the pump and, later, when the
levels is pumped down, the SC10 will stop the pump normally. So the damage is prevented.
What’s the Problem?
Some dewatering pump controllers require the adjustment of the Stop Current to be made inside the starter panel / switchboard.
To adjust the stop current requires running the pump. So with those controllers you need to work in a live switchboard. This is
not safe. It is not acceptable.
What’s the Solution?
With the SC10 you do not need to work inside the switchboard.
You use adjustment pushbuttons on the door of the switchboard.