- 77 -
Assuming the carriage is shown off the HOME sensor and that CCW (-) rotation of the motor
causes motion toward the sensor, the following cycle would occur.
Figure 69
Home Sensor Graph
Figure 70
Screen Menu-Home Feed On/Off/Offset
The (A) motion is the -1500 RPM to find the sensor.
The (B) motion is the +120 RPM to find the sensor “OFF”.
The (C) motion is the -30 RPM to move to the once per revolution offset.
Note that the last two questions in programming are:
MARK+ OFFSET--------------------
HOME POSITION-------------------
The offset is the amount of user steps within one revolution. The HOME position is the position
for reference in programming that you want to assign to HOME. These two values are
frequently zero. The 6 home types are explained as follows:
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