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Input Polarity
Input functions that do not affect motion may be assigned as normally off (-, default) or normally
on (+). When an input is assigned with “+” polarity, it is active while the input is not on. Input
polarity is assigned by pressing the “+” or “-“ key on the input function indicated by the cursor.
Input Filtering
By pressing “ALT-F” on the input screen, PCX will pop-up the filtering data entry screen. Input
filtering is a form of digital integration. It is not intended to reduce electrical noise or the effects
of electrical noise in industrial environments. It is provided to digitally qualify that an input is
on for a pre-determined time. The drive services inputs at a minimum rate of .002 seconds.
Therefore, the input or input filtering is always subject to a delay of (.0005 to .0025) seconds.
The .0005 delay caused by propagation delay of the hardware and .0025 is the sum of the
propagation delay plus the service time. The PCX program will only allow for this time to be
entered in increments of .002 as this is the minimum service rate. When “ESC” is pressed, PCX
will return to the input setup screen.
The Parameters screen allows the user to set up parameters for display purposes. These
parameters include position units, distance decimal point, location, velocity units, velocity scale
and velocity decimal point location. PCX and displays, such as EMERSON EMC’s T-21 Data
Entry Terminal, use these parameters to display familiar user units. Some examples would be:
Figure 56
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