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How To Start
The PCX software is supplied on a floppy diskette. The floppy diskette does not include the
Disk Operating System (DOS). A backup copy of PCX should be made before starting. To
initiate the PCX program, the user should type the letters “PCX” at the operating system prompt
in the directory where PCX.EXE is located. Once the program has been loaded, the PCX
diskette is no longer required to be in the disk drive. For certain file options, the user should
ensure that a path is available to the COMMAND.COM file. This is accomplished by setting the
DOS environment variable PATH or including the COMMAND.COM file in the current
PCX Program Revision
Once the PCX program has been loaded and is executing, the initial screen showing the program
revision is displayed.
Figure 48
PCX Version 4.10
The PCX program is subject to changes. To assure that files generated with earlier versions of
PCX are compatible with the least version, the following procedure should be followed.
Using the old PCX, download the file to the positioning drive.
Using the new PCX, upload a file from the positioning drive.
The PCX program referred to in this manual is revision 4.10. Revisions with less than 4.10 may
not allow for full operation. Contact the factory to obtain the most recent version.
Moving Through The Menus
PCX has a hierarchy system of menus. The top menu is the Main Menu. To proceed into more
specific levels, position the cursor on top of the desired option then press the “ENTER” key.
There are two methods available to position the cursor. Pressing the first letter of the desired
option will cause the cursor to move to that option. Pressing the “UP” and “DOWN” arrow keys
will cause the cursor to move accordingly. The user may always back out to the main menu by
pressing the “ESC” key. However, the “ESC” key will not cause program termination.
Changing Values In The Data Enter Screens
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