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From the "Define Motion" screen of the PCX, two additional features are available, Programs
and Suspend.
Figure 53
Define Motion
In order to understand what a PCM-1 motion "program" is, the user must first be familiar with
what an "index" is. Basic index types were described in an earlier section of the manual. These
index types are used as the "building blocks" to form a program. The set up program sequence
involves taking the individual indexes that have been programmed and combining them into a
complete motion program sequence.
Besides allowing the sequencing of indexes, the PCM-1 also provides a programming feature
known as Compound Indexing. Compound Indexing allows the user to combine indexes of
different velocities without stopping motion. Examples of this feature are shown below.
Whenever an index number is used in a compound index, it cannot be used again in any program
if it is designated by the same index number.
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