S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Troubleshooting Guide, Release 3.x
Chapter 16 Troubleshooting FICON
FICON Overview
You can use the
ficon slot assign port-numbers
command to use any excess ports by assigning
numbers to the slots. Before you assign numbers to the slots however, we recommend that you review
the default port number assignments for Cisco MDS 9000 switches shown in
Table 16-1
Only Fibre Channel, PortChannel, and FCIP ports are mapped to FICON port numbers. Other types of
interfaces do not have corresponding port numbers.
Reserved FICON Port Numbering Scheme
A range of 250 port numbers are available for you to assign to all the ports on a switch.
Table 16-1
that you can have more than 250 physical ports on a switch and the excess ports do not have port numbers
in the default numbering scheme. When you have more than 250 physical ports on your switch, you can
have ports without port number assigned if they are not in a FICON VSAN, or you can assign duplicate
port numbers if they are not used in the same FICON VSAN. For example, you can configure port
number 1 on interface fc1/1 in FICON VSAN 10 and fc10/1 in FICON VSAN 20.
A VSAN can have a maximum of 250 port numbers.
FICON port numbers are not changed for ports that are active. You must first disable the interfaces using
CLI command.
Cisco MDS
9513 Director
Slot 1
0 through 15
224 through 249
250 through 253
and port 255
The first 4, 12 or 16 port
numbers are used for a 4-port,
12-port or 16-port model, and
the rest remain unused.
Extra ports on 24-port, 32-port,
and 48-port modules are not
allocated port numbers.
Slot 2
16 through 31
Slot 3
32 through 47
Slot 4
48 through 63
Slot 5
64 through 79
Slot 6
80 through 95
Slot 7
Supervisor modules are not
allocated port numbers.
Slot 8
Slot 9
96 through 111
The first 4 or 12 port numbers
are used for a 4-port or 12-port
module, and the rest remain
unused. Extra ports on 24-port,
32-port, and 48-port modules
are not allocated port numbers.
Slot 10
112through 127
Slot 11
128 through 143
Slot 12
144 through 159
Slot 13
160 through 175
Table 16-1
Default FICON Port Numbering in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family (continued)
Implemented Port Allocation
To Ports
To PortChannel/FCIP