S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Troubleshooting Guide, Release 3.x
Appendix A Before Contacting Technical Support
Steps to Perform Before Calling TAC
Copying Files Using the CLI
The CLI offers a broad range of protocols to use for copying to or from the switch. Note that the switch
always acts as a client, such that an ftp/scp/tftp session will always originate from the switch and either
push files to an external system or pull files from an external system.
File Server:
File to be copied to the switch: /etc/hosts
CLI command supports four transfer protocols and 12 different sources for files.
ca-9506# copy ?
bootflash: Select source filesystem
core: Select source filesystem
debug: Select source filesystem
ftp: Select source filesystem
licenses Backup license files
log: Select source filesystem
modflash: Select source filesystem
nvram: Select source filesystem
running-config Copy running configuration to destination
scp: Select source filesystem
sftp: Select source filesystem
slot0: Select source filesystem
startup-config Copy startup configuration to destination
system: Select source filesystem
tftp: Select source filesystem
volatile: Select source filesystem
Use the following syntax to use secure copy (scp) as the transfer mechanism:
To copy
from using the user
, where the destination would be
, use the following command:
copy scp://[email protected]/etc/hosts bootflash:hosts.txt
[email protected]'s password:
hosts 100% |*****************************| 2035 00:00
To back up the startup-configuration to a sftp server, use the following command:
copy startup-config sftp://[email protected]/MDS/startup-configuration.bak1
Connecting to
[email protected]'s password:
Backing up the startup-configuration to a server should be done on a daily basis and prior to any
changes. A short script could be written to be run on the MDS to perform a save and then backup of
the configuration. The script only needs to contain two commands:
copy running-configuration
and then
copy startup-configuration tftp://
. To execute the
script use: