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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Troubleshooting Guide, Release 3.x
Chapter 11 Troubleshooting VSANs, Domains, and FSPF
FSPF Issues
LSR Incarnation number = 0x8000000c
LSR Checksum = 0xe0a2
Number of links = 2
NbrDomainId IfIndex NbrIfIndex Link Type Cost
239 0x00010000 0x00010003 1 1000 <
1 0x00010001 0x00010002 1 1000 <
FSPF Link State Database for VSAN 2 Domain 238
<-----------LSR for another switch
LSR Type = 1
Advertising domain ID = 238
LSR Age = 1052
LSR Incarnation number = 0x80000013
LSR Checksum = 0xe294
Number of links = 2
NbrDomainId IfIndex NbrIfIndex Link Type Cost
239 0x00010003 0x00010001 1 1000
1 0x00010002 0x00010003 1 1000
FSPF Link State Database for VSAN 2 Domain 239
<-----------LSR for another switch
LSR Type = 1
Advertising domain ID = 239
LSR Age = 1061
LSR Incarnation number = 0x80000086
LSR Checksum = 0x66ac
Number of links = 4
NbrDomainId IfIndex NbrIfIndex Link Type Cost
237 0x00010003 0x00010000 1 1000
238 0x00010001 0x00010003 1 1000
The domain 1 view of the fabric topology.
Domain 1 is owner of the LSR (link state record).
This is a 16-bit counter starting at 0x0000, incremented by one for each switch during flooding and
by one for each second held in the database. This field is used as a tie-breaker if incarnation numbers
are the same.
This is a 32-bit value between 0x80000001 and 0x7FFFFFFF. which is incremented by one each
time the originating switch transmits an LSR. This is used before LSR Age.
The path to domainID 237, switch 1.
The path to domain ID 238, switch 5.
Switch 1, domain ID 237 is the owner.
The path to domain ID 239, switch 3.
The path to domain ID 1, switch 2.
Step 2
Use the
show fspf vsan
command to verify that the FSPF parameters are correct for
each interface and verify that the interface is in the FSPF active state.
show fspf vsan 2 interface fc1/2
FSPF interface fc1/2 in VSAN 2
FSPF routing administrative state is active <
Interface cost is 1000 <
Timer intervals configured, Hello 20 s, Dead 80 s, Retransmit 5 s <
FSPF State is FULL <
Neighbor Domain Id is 1, Neighbor Interface index is 0x00010002 <