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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Troubleshooting Guide, Release 3.x
Chapter 16 Troubleshooting FICON
FICON Overview
You can configure port numbers even when no module is installed in the slot.
FICON Configuration Files
You can save up to 16 FICON configuration files on each FICON-enabled VSAN (in persistent storage).
The file format is proprietary to IBM. These files can be read and written by IBM hosts using the in-band
CUP protocol. Additionally, you can use the Cisco MDS CLI or Fabric Manager applications to modify
these FICON configuration files. When you enable the FICON feature in a VSAN, the switches always
use the startup FICON configuration file, called IPL. This file is created with a default configuration
immediately after FICON is enabled in a VSAN.
Multiple FICON configuration files with the same name can exist in the same switch, provided they
reside in different VSANs. For example, you can create a configuration file named XYZ in both VSAN
1 and VSAN 3.
When FICON is disabled on a VSAN, all FICON configuration files are irretrievably lost.
FICON configuration files contain the following configuration options for each implemented port
Prohibit mask
Port address name
You cannot prohibit a PortChannel or an FCIP interface.
If an interface is already configured in E or TE mode and you try to prohibit that port, your prohibit
configuration is rejected. Similarly, if a port is not up and you prohibit that port, the port is not allowed
to come up in E mode nor in TE mode.
You can not directly assign a FICON port number to an interface. You assign a range of port numbers to
the module.