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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Troubleshooting Guide, Release 3.x
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Hardware
Temperature Threshold Violations
Temperature Threshold Violations
Each module in the chassis has at least two temperature sensors. Each temperature sensor is configured
with a minor and a major threshold.
Example 4-3
gives the
show environment temperature
command sample output. It shows how temperature information can be retrieved from the switch.
Physical > Temperature Sensors
on Device Manager to view a similar output.
Example 4-3
Output of show environment temperature Command
switch# show environment temperature
Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status
(Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius)
4 Outlet 75 60 36 ok
4 Intake 65 50 29 ok
5 Outlet 75 60 35 ok
5 Intake 65 50 34 ok
6 Outlet 75 60 35 ok
6 Intake 65 50 34 ok
9 Outlet 75 60 45 ok
9 Intake 65 50 40 ok
The intake sensor, located at the airflow intake on the module, is the most critical indicator of module
temperature. All Cisco SAN-OS actions are taken when the major threshold of an intake sensor is
A minor threshold violation or a major threshold violation on an outlet sensor results in the following
system message:
Error Message
PLATFORM-0-MOD_TEMPMAJALRM: Module [dec] reported major temperature
Module in the slot exceeded a major temperature threshold.
Recommended Action
Enter the
show environment temperature
CLI command or choose
> Temperature Sensors
on Device Manager to collect more information.
This violation also generates a Call Home event and an SNMP notification.
A major temperature threshold violation on a module intake sensor results in the following system
Error Message
PLATFORM-0-MOD_TEMPSHUTDOWN: Module [dec] powered down due to major
temperature alarm.
Module shutdown due to temperature exceeding major threshold.
Recommended Action
show environment temperature
CLI command or similar Fabric
Manager/Device Manager command to collect more information.