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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Troubleshooting Guide, Release 3.x
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Licensing
License Overview
Chassis Serial Numbers
Licenses are created using the serial number of the chassis where the license file is to be installed. Once
you order a license based on a chassis serial number, you cannot use this license on any other switch. If
you use a license meant for another chassis, you may see the following system message:
Error Message
LICMGR-3-LOG_LIC_INVALID_HOSTID: Invalid license hostid VDH=[chars]
for feature [chars].
The feature has a license with an invalid license Host ID. This can happen if a
supervisor module with licensed features for one switch is installed on another switch.
Recommended Action
Reinstall the correct license for the chassis where the supervisor module is
Grace Period
If you use a feature that requires a license but have not installed a license for that feature, you are given
a 120 day grace period to evaluate the feature. You must purchase and install the number of licenses
required for that feature before the grace period ends or Cisco SAN-OS will disable the feature at the
end of the grace period. If you try to use an unlicensed feature, you may see the following system
Error Message
LICMGR-2-LOG_LIC_GRACE_EXPIRED: Grace period expired for feature
The unlicensed feature has exceeded its grace time period. Applications using this
license will be shut down immediately.
Recommended Action
Please install the license file to continue using the feature.
Error Message
LICMGR-3-LOG_LICAPP_NO_LIC: Application [chars] running without
[chars] license, shutdown in [dec] days.
The Application [chars1] has not been licensed. The application will work for a grace
period of [dec] days after which it will be shut down unless a license file for the feature is installed.
Recommended Action
Install the license to continue using the feature.
Error Message
LICMGR-3-LOG_LIC_LICENSE_EXPIRED: Evaluation license expired for
feature [chars].
The feature has exceeded its evaluation time period. The feature will be shut down
after a grace period.
Recommended Action
Install the license to continue using the feature.