install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
2.1 Broadcast Pix Features
Integrated Broadcast Studio
Contains an entire control room of devices
including: switcher, clip stores, character generator
still stores, logos, DVEs, monitoring, optional
audio, camera and external DDR control.
Classic 2 M/E Panel Layout
16 direct input source buttons, 16 shifted input
source buttons for a total of 32 mapable inputs.
ME 1 feeds into ME 2 to setup your next
composition, or use ME 1 in a keyer for a DVE box
(picture in picture) effect or use ME 1 to control a
secondary program output.
6 Universal Keyers
Each ME has 6 universal keyers, which are shared
across both MEs. Each Keyer has 2 dimensional
DVEs, reposition and cropping capabilities.
In addition, one linear key can accept key cut and
fill from an external CG, which uses 2 of the 6
keyers. One Chromakey is standard (upgradable to
8), with clip, gain, hue and spill suppression.
Confidence of On-Button Content
Execute with confidence, as not only the device
type, but the actual content element is displayed
on PixButtons for every source and keyer, as well
as on the Multi-View.
Personal Studio
Now one person can create engaging live video
that used to require a team of operators
Grow to a Team Studio
For complex production add more panels,
as described in the team section.
Multiple redundancies always keep your show
on-air. Redundant routing, panels, power and
hard drives.
Section 2:
Broadcast Pix Concepts