install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
[Mem Save iBoB DSK]
PixButton will save the
state of the iBoB DSK on a Slate 2100G only.
This function is not available on a 5000G.
[MEM Save Aux]
PixButton will save the state
of the auxiliary outputs. It does this individually
by bringing up a secondary PixPad that lets you
select the each option. When finished press the
[Up Arrow]
to return to this PixPad. (see below)
[Mem Save Aux 1]
PixButton will save the
source assigned to Aux 1. (A1)
[Mem Save Aux 2]
PixButton will save the
source assigned to Aux 2 off the router. Only
available on a 5016G/5032G. (A2)
[Mem Save Aux 3]
PixButton will save the
source assigned to Aux 3 off the router. Only
available on a 5016G/5032G. (A3)
[Mem Save Aux 4]
PixButton will save the
source assigned to Aux 4 off the router. Only
available on a 5016G/5032G. (A4)
[Mem Save Aux 5]
PixButton will save the
source assigned to Aux 5 off the router. Only
available on a 5016G/5032G. (A5)
[Mem Save Aux 6]
PixButton will save the
source assigned to Aux 6 off the router. Only
available on a 5016G/5032G. (A6)
[Mem Save Aux 7]
PixButton will save the
source assigned to Aux 7 off the router. Only
available on a 5016G/5032G. (A7)
[Mem Save Aux 8]
PixButton will save the
source assigned to Aux 8 off the router. Only
available on a 5016G/5032G. (A8)
[Mem Save All]
PixButton is a short cut for
saving all 8 Auxes. Press again and it clears all
8 Auxes from the display. (A12345678 or blank)
[MEM Save More]
[MEM Save More]