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Broadcast Pix
4.11.4 Assigning Output Sources
In addition to routing internal and external sources mapped to the switcher, you may
also assign any output source to an Auxiliary output. Output Sources are Program,
Preview and Clean Feed (on ME 2) and ME1 Program and ME1 Preview.
Setup your Auxes as described in sections 4.11 – 4.11.3
When an Aux PixButton is selected in the Destinations
Row, the Device Control-B PixPad will show the
selectable outputs, as shown on the right.
Select the desired [Output] PixButton, either
[Preview], [Clean Feed], [ME1 Prog]
[ME1 Prev].
4.11.5 Remote Aux Panel on Slate 5016G/5032G
As an option you can remotely control one output of the router with a 16x1 Remote Aux
Panel. This aux panel connects to the 16x16 or 32x32 router, as described in section
1.5.7, and multiple units can be connected to control various outputs through the X/Y
connections of the router. Up to 128 unique panel IDs may be configured to the router,
with a maximum cable length of 1200 feet between each panel. The 16x1 panel is fully
customizable, as a default the aux panel is setup to switch output 8/24 of the router,
although you may change this setting at any time. To change which output the panel is
effecting you will need to install the Harris Router Mapper software that came with the
router, see the next page to configure a different output.
To operate the remote aux panel:
Select the top left
button, it will illuminate green, to activate the panel.
Select a
in the source section, it will illuminate green. The selected
source is now routed to your output.
To lock the panel select the bottom left
button, it will illuminate green, the
panel is now locked to prevent any button pushes. To unlock the panel, simply
select the
button again.
Enable button
Lock button