install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
[MEM Save More Keys]
[Mem Save Direct Key 1]
PixButton will save the
state (on/off) of Direct Key 1. (D1)
[Mem Save Direct Key 2]
PixButton will save the
state (on/off) of Direct Key 2. (D2)
[Mem Save Direct Key 3]
PixButton will save the
state (on/off) of Direct Key 3. (D3)
[Mem Save Direct Key 4]
PixButton will save the
state (on/off both on preview and program) of Direct
Key 4. Useful for quickly brining on/off Key 4. (D4)
[Mem Save Direct Key 5]
PixButton will save the
state (on/off both on preview and program) of Direct
Key 5. Useful for quickly brining on/off Key 5. (D5)
[Mem Save Direct Key 6]
PixButton will save the
state (on/off both for preview and program) of Direct
Key 6. Useful for quickly brining on/off Key 6. (D6)
[Mem Save Direct All]
PixButton is a short cut for
saving Direct Keys 1 to 6. Press again and it clears
all 6 Direct Keys from the display. (D123456 or blank)
[Mem Recall Rate]
PixButton sets the amount of
time in frames a memory will take to be recalled
during a production. Useful for creating on-air DVE
moves for push-back animations.
[Mem Save All]
PixButton saves the state of all the
devices on the control panel. Press it again and it will
clear the memory and the display.
[Mem Sav More]
PixButton saves the state of the
auxiliary outputs. It does this individually by bringing
up a secondary PixPad that lets you select the each
option. When finished press the
[Up Arrow]
to return
to this PixPad. (see next page)
[Mem Sav ME 1]
PixButton saves the states of ME 1
functions. It does this individually by bringing up a
secondary PixPad that lets you select the each
option. When finished press the
[Up Arrow]
to return
to this PixPad. (see page after next)
[MEM Save More Keys]