install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
1.15 Premium Workstations
All Slate 5000 systems include an upgraded Premium Workstation, which consists of
redundant power supplies, removable media drives, back-up software to restore the
system drive and a mirrored system drive.
1.15.1 Redundant Power Supplies
The power supplies are hot-swappable, allowing you to replace a failed supply while
the system is still running. When a power supply fails an alarm will sound from the
workstation. You may continue to run the system with only one power supply, to silence
the alarm push the red button next to the power supplies. To replace a failed power
supply contact Broadcast Pix Technical Support.
1.15.2 Removable Media Drives
The removable media drives contain only clips from the Video D directory and are ideal
when large amount of clips are needed for multiple shows. For example, one set of
drives could be for sports productions and other set for news. In addition, if a hard drive
should fail, the removable drive trays makes it easy to swap out the failed hard drive.
There are two hard drives that are raided together (Raid 0), when swapping out drives
keep raided/paired hard drives together to prevent any lost media. These hard drives
are not hot-swappable and can be ordered from Broadcast Pix. If a hard drive should
fail, contact Broadcast Pix Technical Support.
To swap out media drives:
the workstation by closing all
applications and selecting the
Start Menu
the media trays by inserting the
the supplied key and turning to the left.
The keys will be in the Accessories
box of the Broadcast Pix workstation.
Pull out
the media trays.
Keep the two media trays and their hard
drives together as a pair for later use.
the new or existing media trays
into each slot, making sure that they
are aligned.
With the key,
the drives by turning
the key to the right.