install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
4.10 External Key
The Broadcast Pix Slate 5000G supports 1 external keyer, useful when connecting an
external graphics system to use in conjunction with the Broadcast Pix. Although this
feature uses 2 keyers (Key 3 and Key 4) it supports clip and gain adjustments,
unshaped signals, key inversion as well as horizontal and vertical offset. For
the external key to work properly the external machine needs to provide a Key Cut and a
Key Fill signal and use 2 inputs on the Slate system.
4.10.1 To setup the External Key:
Assign the inputs being used for the Cut and Fill channels. This step is usually
done in pre-production.
On a Slate 5008G: Select
Setup, Slate IO Assignments.
On a Slate 5016G or 5032G: Select
Setup, Router, Router Assignments.
the Cut and Fill channels with a custom name as described in section 1.4
(for a 5008G) or section 1.5.8 (for a 5016G/5032G).
This example will use Graphic-Cut and Graphic-Fill.
Under the
column or
drop down menu, select
Ext Key Fill
under the
drop down menu for the Fill channel and
Ext Key Cut
for the Cut channel.
Apply your changes by selecting
this will also close the Slate/Router
Assignments window.
Map your newly assigned inputs to the switcher using PixMaster, as described in
section 3.7.1. Once the show is saved, the Cut channel and Fill channel will
automatically get assigned custom PixButtons, as shown below.
The Cut channel is represented with a CG icon with a C next to it, whereas the Fill
channel has a CG icon with a F next to it.