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Broadcast Pix
4.9 Fluent Controls
The Chromakey and Lumakey settings may also be modified and controlled from
the Multi-View using the Fluent Controls window and adjusting settings with the
mouse. Fluent Controls give you a graphical representation of the color being
keyed out and an easier way of modifying settings. All the settings described in the
previous sections are available for control inside the Fluent Controls window.
To adjust the Chromakey controls
Open the Fluent Controls window by
selecting the
Panel, Fluent Controls
menu from the Broadcast Pix menu button,
as shown on the right.
The Fluent Controls window will appear, as
shown on the right.
Select the desired input to modify by
clicking on the
Adjust setting:
pull down
menu. This example will use Input 1.
To turn on the Chromakey, click on the
option and it will illuminate
yellow, this will turn on the chromakey for
this input and the available chromakey
settings will appear, as shown on the right.
To select the color to key out, either turn
wheel to the desired hue.
Or select and hold down the
Pick Color (s)
button, it will illuminate blue, and move the
mouse anywhere on screen to select a
color. The color wheel will change to a
video preview of the pixels you are about
to select, as shown on the right.
To pick one specific value release the
mouse, and the hue will change.
To select a range of colors, while holding
down the mouse select select
on the
keyboard, then release the mouse.