install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
Each control change is formatted by first typing in a
, followed by the control
number (1 to 127), a hyphen (or minus sign)
and the desired value to set it to
(0 to 127). More commands can be added by adding a space in between
commands, leaving out the “c” in front.
For example to bring fader 1 to 100% volume type:
in the
to bring it off air type:
in the
To bring faders 1 and 2 up at 50% volume type:
c1-63 2-63
in the
If more space is needed, you may type in the bar below the grid, as shown
A scene change is a memory setting inside the audio mixer that can recall
virtually any combination of settings. For example a scene change could recall a
reverb effect and turn on fader 3. You need to first create and save your
memories/scenes from your audio mixer, refer to your mixer’s manual on how to
save a scene change.
To recall a scene change (either 0-99) simply type the number of the scene
change in the On-Air or Off-Air column of the source. Only one scene change is
allowed per source.
You may also ‘Tie’ one or more video sources together. When a source is tied to
other sources, the on-air command is executed for all the sources but the
command goes off-air only when all the tied sources are off air.
For example, if you had an interview with 2 cameras and 1 microphone, you
could have both camera sources tied to each other so when you transition
between the 2 angles the audio does not go off air. The audio would go off air
when a different source is transitioned to Program.
To tie a video source to another video source, simply type:
t and the number of
the other source.
(i.e. t2)