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Broadcast Pix
4.3.6 ME 2 Link
As described earlier, ME 1 and ME 2 may be used to feed two separate outputs, i.e.
ME 1 to a scoreboard and ME 2 to a record feed. For the most part the two outputs/
MEs will have different compositions, however there may be times where the
background video needs to be the same on both outputs. Or the same type of
program maybe going out to both MEs and the keyers are different, i.e. in multi-lingual
productions or multi-channel branding.
ME 2 Link allows ME 1 Program and/or ME 1 Preview to be locked with the ME 2
Program and/or ME 2 Preview. ME 2 Link only links the background and the
background transitions, none of the keyers can be linked. In addition, ME 2 Link can
not be used if ME 1 is used in Program or Preview in ME 2.
To activate ME 2 Link:
In ME 1, select the
[ME 2 Link]
in the Program row, as shown on the right.
The button will illuminate orange.
Now, any cut/mix/effect that occurs in ME 2
will also be sent to ME 1.
Any transitions involving a different
preview source than what’s selected in ME 1
will use the preview source from ME 2.
In ME 1, select the
[ME 2 Link]
in the Preview row, as shown on the right.
The button will illuminate orange.
Now, any source selected in ME 2 preview
will be sent out to ME 1 preview.
To deactivate ME 2 Link:
Repeat steps 1 and/or 2 above.
Also, selecting Cut, Auto Trans or using
the T-Bar in the ME 1 transition
section, will automatically turn off
ME 2 Link.